You may only purchase one single ticket or one couple ticket, and you must be a current student of any grade at Jesuit. You must use your Jesuit email to make your purchase. Please fill out the form below and a QR code will be emailed to your student account. Guest passes must be filled out for students from schools other than St. Francis High School, Christian Brothers High School, and Cristo Rey High School.

Winter Ball is a formal dance (like Homecoming). Please read the dance dress code and behavior.

The dance begins at 7 PM, and students must arrive by 8 PM. The dance concludes at 9:30 PM, though students may begin exiting half an hour before.

  • This adds two tickets to your cart for a total of $20

Jesuit student info

I understand if I cancel for any reason, my ticket is non-refundable. I will not transfer my ticket to another student. I understand I must have my student ID with me to enter.
I understand I must arrive before 8:00 pm and can leave no sooner than 9:30 pm.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software