Come to the Holy Bowl Rally to support the Marauders and get hyped for the Holy Bowl! 

You may only purchase one ticket, and you must be a current student at Jesuit or St. Francis. Please fill out the registration form below and a QR code will be emailed to your student account. If no more slots are available you are invited to join the waiting list. If we are able to add more slots or we have cancellations you will be notified.

I will not attend if I or anyone in my household is symptomatic/ill or awaiting the results of a COVID test. I will follow all campus protocols.
I will not transfer my ticket to another student. I understand I must have my student ID with me to enter.
I understand I must arrive before 8:00 pm. I understand I must be picked up at 9:00 pm or my parent/guardians will be contacted.

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software